Sunday, July 31, 2016

CT Scan #2....

We learned that a great majority of Wilms' tumors stay isolated to the kidney however there is a percentage chance that it could also appear in the lungs.  The doctors ordered a second CT scan to determine if there were any masses in her lungs.  Thankfully we got the results back earlier today that the lungs are all clear!  We'll take whatever good news we can get :)

The Fight Begins...

Stomach pains at aquatics camp turned out to be a lot more than we ever imagined.  We thought this was just another case that would be easily solved with a little MiraLAX and better diet.  We've already been down this road after all.  A year ago we were in the ER getting X-rays for the same symptoms and we came out unscathed, aside from the sting of an IV.   That wouldn't be the case this time.

We're starting this blog to help get information to those who care about Liv and want to keep up with all that is going on.  We're winging this thing at this point but we wanted a convenient way to keep everyone up to date.  That said, here's where we're at:

We came in Friday afternoon to Rady's Children's Hospital for an X-ray because we needed to be sure that this was just another case of constipation.  We got a call later that afternoon and was told that a mass had been found and we needed further tests right away.  We came back in later that evening and started the waiting game.  A CT scan confirmed the doctor's suspicion that there was definitely a mass the size of "a small soccer ball" attached to her kidney and it would most likely need to be removed as soon as possible.  Gulp.

The next thing we know it's 1:00am and we're carrying our baby girl to the Oncology wing.  By 3:00am we had been seen by so many people, all trying to explain what is happening, that our heads were spinning.  What we know at this point is that all signs point to a Wilms tumor on her kidney.  This can't be completely confirmed until the tumor is removed and biopsied but there is a consensus among the specialist that Wilm's is the most likely scenario.  From what we've learned this is relatively good news in that it's a solid tumor which can usually be removed without much treatment needed afterwards.

Today we learned that we'll most likely be put on the schedule for surgery this Tuesday, August 2nd.  They'll go in and remove the tumor and most likely take the kidney as well.  They'll also insert a "port" that will allow the chemo therapy treatments to be administered more easily.  Think "plug and play" for chemo.  We won't know the extent of the chemo treatments until after the biopsy but it seems like a certainty at this point.

We've LOVED hearing from everyone and we definitely feel the love from our family and friends.  We're blessed to have Auntie Deena and Addie come in from Oregon to help with our fur babies, errands, and all the little things that pop up.  Jet has been the amazing big brother he's always been and will also have a lot to adjust to as well.

We'll do our best to keep the information coming.  We've got a long road ahead but if there's ever a little girl that has the right attitude, it's our sweet Liv.  Your thoughts and prayers are appreciated and we love you all!

-Max & Carlie